Eating acacia flowers and getting high on DMT or Pineal gland tricks

Alexandra Gladchenko
5 min readFeb 5, 2020


Originally published at

I just simply forgot that state of being. Mentally I remember I was uplifted and happy without a prior reason to that. But it is so easy to lose that sense. The real essence of it.

Mostly I write stories with no plan. I just sit and write. Whatever flows. It just works with me /improvisors would nod here/

Mood. Quite a nasty gal, ain’t it? So what is “mood”? You can’t simply say whether it’s a. something you can’t control, or b. you can actually produce any state with your own powers.

That question arose, when a few days ago I felt slight tints of bliss I used to have nearly every day since overcoming some mental imbalances and tapping into a big unknown magical fractal being called Universe. And that sh*t really wakes you up.

When you’ve been in anxious states of mind for quite a time, you have two options. One — you go dooown. Two, you just shout..and fvck, why I can’t decide to be in nirvana and do whatever comes to me?

Well. Here’s my answer. You are in charge here. You are in charge of a setting, you are in charge of the actors.

Let yourself do what you want. Your soul gets depressed if you go against yourself. This is her rebellion. It literally would make you sick until you fvckin understand that it is not flu or nausea. P.S. Learning psychosomatics is a great way to know what needs to be done on a way to healing.

Healing could be done through the mighty and mysterious psychedelic elements //psychē (ψυχή, “soul”) and dēloun (δηλοῦν, “to make visible, to reveal”) //. DMT, for example. It’s that element that would drag you out to the real world and make you enjoy it at it’s most essence. And no, I’m not /necessarily/ talking about drugs here. Did you know your brain can produce DMT by itself?

There’s a tiny thing located inside of your brain — pineal gland. And it is responsible for producing this “hormone of happiness”.

What is the role of pineal gland in DMT production?

Pineal gland got the “bricks” neccessary to build up a DMT molecule. It has the high levels of serotonin, which is a “forecommer” of pineal melatonin. Pineal gland has also an ability to transform a seratonin into tryptamine, which is a critical phase in the DMT production.

P.S. The full name of melatonin is N-​acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine and DMT — N-Dimethyltryptamine. Where we can clearly see, that melatonin and DMT are both tryptamines.

I rememeber myself as a kid strolling around and eating the flowers of that strong honey-smell tree called acacia. And now I’m finding out it got DMT in it. Well, well, listen to your instincts, pals. DNA and the universal energy field would not let you fall.

Hit an alarm! We’re getting eaten

And those plants has conscious of their own. Joe Rogan once mentioned a curious fact in his podcast with Alex and Allyson Grey (Joe Rogan Experience #797). Acacia trees were literally sending the information to the other plants that there’s some kind of danger. As if they were saying, “Hit an alarm! We’re getting eaten”. So how this looks like: when an animal eats them (acacia that is), and the wind blows the fragrance of acacia tree being consumed, bushes and trees down this trail become bitter. And the animals were starving! Plants managed to completely discourage animals from eating them. Imagine the level of intelligence.

How DMT affects our organisms?

DMT pulls the serotonin strings, the hormone of happiness. Serotonin is found in many various cell forms, blood, blood vessels, muscles, skin, etc. But the most peculiar effect is connected with the brain.

Certain parts of the brain with the highest number of serotonin receptors are responsible for mood, perception and thinking.

And just to let you know, brain is quite protective, and it will not let any element pass. Just the ones helping it function better. And, fancy enough, DMT is one of them. A food for the brain. And it’s being digested so fast, that it seems to be an essential element of a brain. /Just food for thought/

What do you “feel” when you got enough DMT in the brain?

The feeling of an unearthly happiness /many call it bliss/ and the lost sense of time. You can tap into the knowledge you probably won’t even digest in your everyday state of being —the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings; the feeling of wiseness and love, and that life continues after death here on Earth.

So how can you naturally produce DMT inside your body?

  • being in dark (it creates melatonin & serotonin, which are the precursors of DMT, as we already know).
  • meditation (different binaural beats help create tryptamines — melatonin, serotonin, and DMT itself). P.S. Focus on 6 and 7 chakras.
  • breathing techniques (ex, Pranayama yoga or just rhythmic and deep breath).
  • sex (what it is if not a meditation and expression of the universal love?)
  • living your true essence. Yup.

Plants containing DMT:

Some of them.

  • Ayahuasca
  • Acacia
  • Mimosa
  • Reed
  • Delosperma

Do not try to extract DMT on your own. If you want to use those, it should be done in a proper ceremonial way by shamans or other trained and educated people. No, I’m serious. Setting is everything.

I was thinking what could be a good way to describe the nature of a person rich on DMT. And I found it. Alex Grey. A visionary artist. In his works, he’s trying (and actually succeeding) to depict the DMT molecule state of being. Just out of this world:

I wish you to also experience “seeing” the white and violet lights, dancing around the top of your head. And just be naturally happy.

Let it flow and see the Universe respond with all its playfulness.

Find me here: kichori111

