Cloud Atlas. /quick notes after 1st round watch/

Alexandra Gladchenko
1 min readOct 6, 2020

There’s a problem in the form of human greed, will to power, control, money, and other wrongdoings of the sick human mind. And there’s a herd. And there’s a revolutionary. In each story. Who has been assisted to see the truth and wake up to his power. And help the others alike to see it, to fight for it. To fight for the Truth at any cost.

And the voices..these are the voices of our conditionings: social, cultural, political..the voices that are widely accepted, and therefore, easily accepted. They feel safe. But the Truth, the truth is daring.

Each of us is a continuation of the past and continues to live in the future. Each of us is a continuation of somebody else in the past and continues to live in the future generations. And it’s not us precisely. It’s our deeds and ideas.

The pure feeling and pure reasoning create the Beauty, the Essense, the God.

Originally published at

